In The News

15 Million Bees Head to California

Palm Beach BeekeepersTruck 15 Million Bees to California California's almond industry dominates the global market, commanding 80% of worlds demand for almonds. In recent years, the state has had a steady decline in the bee population due to drought, loss of habitat due to new development and uncontrolled fires, and colony collapse. Beekeepers across the country are answering the call from major growers by boarding up their beehives, and sending them to the Golden State. More than 15-million bees from South Florida are being loaded up to cross country in time to pollinate the annual February flowering of the vast...

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Palm Beach Creamed Honey Debuts Holiday Season Gift Sets Shop Local | Shop Small Business

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Small Batch Smooth & Creamy Honey – So Good for All Ages!

Palm Beach Creamed Honey is locally sourced and developed by a highly respected, ethical beekeeping duo in South Florida (with six children!).

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A Sweet Spoonful Ramps Up Fertility and Boosts Your Love Life!

Raw honey contains pollen is a food rich in vitamins, amino acids, iron, calcium, and minerals.

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